Welcome to the Harvard Club of Iowa! We are here to serve the Iowa community of Harvard alumni, students, and parents in the entire state with local events, interviewing students, welcoming new alumni, and volunteering to assist the Club.
Whether you are a long term resident of the state or just here for a short time as part of your post-Cambridge journey, we invite you to join us as we build a vibrant and inclusive Harvard community in Iowa!
We are pleased to announce the new officers and board members for our club. We hope to make introductions at a future HCI event!
Recent Photos:
The Game 2023 watch party in Des Moines.
Left Photo: Matthew Carrico AB '80 (left) and Ronald Langston MPA '91 (right) at the Distinguished Iowa Alumni Award Dinner event held on Sep 22, 2023.
Right Photo: Iowa Supreme Court Justice Edward E. Mansfield, AB '78 (right) being presented with the Harvard Club of Iowa Distinguished Alumni Award by Ronald Langston, MPA '91 (left)
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